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Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Word of life Bible Church @ 30

Word of Life Bible Church @ 30- Poem Compose by: Lucky girl
Now at 30 Many years of wonderful things things which God has used our Papa. Our father and the Leon. You have been a blessing to us. There has to be times you wanted to quit, But the Lord said no, stick around a bit. That bit of time, well it came and it went. Because we needed a pastor, you were sent. We have been through good times and bad But you stuck around and that made us glad. We share (30) years of wonderful memories here And all of them in our hearts, we hold dear. You have been our father, Our Hero pastor, our guide, and friend. Your wisdom is so helpful as on God you depend. It has been(30) years of good times and bad, Most of them were happy, but some were sad. Some of us have gone on to be with the Lord But we are still here with rivers to ford. We will have trials and storms to go through, But you have been there and shown us what to do. Our prayers each day include you as we pray And we must give thanks for you each day. Now, may the Lord be with you all of your days And continue to use you as you give Him praise. We love and appreciate you for all you have done As we look back in wonder, where have the years gone? Celebration, praise and worship, Honoring our Lord and Savior - Uplifted, consoled, forgiven and protected Remembering as we celebrate and give thanks - Chronicling another anniversary as a church in oneness Held together as a congregation in the palm of His Hand. And today as we celebrate our church's anniversary Near to us we feel His Presence, Never forsaken or forgotten - In His Light we radiate. Victoriously we raise our voices, Echoing again our thanks for blessings received, Recollecting triumphs and tribulations in the year gone by. Steadfast and constant we turn to the year ahead, His wonderful Love, Reborn and renewed - Yesterdays remembered and tomorrows praised.
Sponsored By: Pastor David Solomon ( Royal House International Fellowship )

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